I like making videos, doing art, attempting something approaching music, working on open source code, listening to music, editing music metadata, and doing stuff with computers.
Just to get this out of the way, I do not have a dog. Yes, I know there’s a dog in my picture. He’s a very lovely dog.
My username most places is dseomn. Occasionally people ask me why, so here’s the explanation: When I was in middle school, I needed to choose a username to sign up for an account on Slashdot. If I remember correctly, “nerd” and “some_nerd” where already taken, so I settled on Some_Other_Nerd. Not too long after, I found myself creating accounts on many websites and I wanted something I could use everywhere that nobody else would lay claim to. I thought of dseomn as an anagram of the first letters of my name, David Eric Mandelberg, and my username, Some_Other_Nerd. It didn’t have any hits on Google at the time and I couldn’t think of any negative connotations, so I started using it. I know it’s hard to spell, but I haven’t thought of something to take its place yet.
A little while ago, I made a map of where I’ve been, using Node.js, d3, TopoJSON, and datasets from Natural Earth: